Learn Practical Coaching Tips You Can Apply Today!


How to Keep Your People Through a Coaching Culture

You need to coach more. Coaching will engage your team. We need a coaching culture.” I always heard this in my corporate days as a leader, and I remember thinking, yes, I got it. I knew that coaching would make a difference for my team and that a coaching culture would shift the organization for the positive, but I had no idea how to influence this in such a big organization. How could I actually begin to create a coaching culture?

Not Sure Where to Begin With 2023 Development Planning?

A lot of leaders I talk with tell me about development planning time with a heavy sigh. It’s an additional piece of work in a world already too full where the to do list never seems to be done. And I get it. Without the time to reflect and focus that any planning process takes; development planning can feel like yet another hoop to jump through or checkbox to tick. So, if development planning for 2023 has you feeling a little overwhelmed, I’d like to reframe it so you can find the joy and meaning in it for you and your team.


JUly 22nd: What value will that add for you?

This powerful question dives into the core reasons behind our goals and motivations. It can spark profound insights, driving us forward or helping us reassess and redirect our efforts. Whether it boosts your motivation or guides you to a new path, this question is a key to unlocking your true potential.

JUlY 15th: Tell me more…

Tell me more is not a question but a valuable prompt that gets the person to share more details. If you sense that someone is touching on something important, asking them to share more details allows them to dive deeper and get value from processing it as they speak.

juLY 8TH: Where do you see yourself?

Sometimes people are so caught up in “what is” that they don’t see “what might be.” Where do you see yourself is a great question to help people set goals or to expand their thinking about how to achieve their goals. It is a visioning question that taps into the imagination. What a great way to ignite new ideas!

JUly 1st: What feels right?

This is a great question to help someone get out of their own way and tap into what they know is true in their gut. Rather than over-think something, this question helps someone make choices that are aligned with what they truly want.

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If you are curious about how coaching can help you and your organization, book a call with our team to learn more.